NTWC 101-Legal Mechanics of a Third-Party Sale

Unlock the secrets of successful third-party sales in our exclusive virtual workshop: "NTWC 101 - Navigating the Legal Mechanics of a Third-Party Sale: A Vibrant Roadmap". In just one hour, you'll gain invaluable insights into: Corporate housecleaning essentials Selecting the right advisors Crafting bulletproof NDAs and LOIs Preparing a comprehensive data room Negotiating key agreements Managing post-closing challenges Don't miss this opportunity to transform your understanding of third-party sales. Join us to learn how to navigate the vibrant landscape of legal intricacies and set yourself and your clients up for a successful transaction. Whether you're considering a sale or just want to be prepared for future opportunities, this workshop is your first step towards mastering the art of third-party sales. Register now and embark on your journey to becoming a third-party sale expert!

Unlocking Growth: An Introduction to Owner Based Planning

We’re excited to introduce Owner Based Planning (OBP), BEI’s newest, most powerful approach to helping business owners grow value, minimize risk, and address business continuity—while creating more opportunities, deeper client relationships, and increased revenue for you. In this month's webinar, BEI CEO Fletcher Brown will take you through the OBP Process and show you how it can benefit your clients and help you grow your own business value!

NTWC 201 – Tax Implications of a Third-Party Sale

Attention Business Enterprise Institute members! Don't miss our upcoming hour-long virtual workshop on the critical tax implications of third-party sales. This essential session will cover: Structuring deals for optimal tax outcomes Asset vs. stock sale strategies Maximizing capital gains treatment Leveraging Code Section 1202 exclusions Pre-transaction estate planning techniques Timing considerations for wealth transfer Learn how to navigate complex tax scenarios, minimize IRS challenges, and potentially save your client millions in taxes. Whether you're considering a sale now or in the future, this workshop will equip you with valuable insights to protect hard-earned wealth. Join us to gain the knowledge you need to make informed decisions and maximize the value in a business exit.