Planning – Individual License

From: $550.00 / month



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Business owners want and need advisors who can create and execute a strategy that allows them to leave their businesses on their terms: when they want, for the money they need, and to whomever they choose. BEI is the only Exit Planning organization that provides comprehensive plan design and support to advisors, along with personalized help through its highly skilled staff.

Our planning process, combined with our proprietary assessments and discovery tools, help you identify planning solutions; collaborate with other advisors; and develop a customized, executable road map to guide your clients toward their post-ownership goals. Implementing this systematic process into your practice saves you time, and gives you the tools and resources you need to accomplish your clients’ goals at the right time, in the right context, and with the right people.

Whether you want to manage the Exit Plan creation process yourself or outsource a portion to a consultant, BEI can help.

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Membership Durations

Monthly, Annual, 2 Years, 3 Years